John Lyons
President, TDX Power Group
3601 C Street, Suite 1000
Anchorage, AK 99503
Generation, Operations, and Maintenance.
TDX Power focuses on the customer’s needs — lowering operational costs and maintaining high availability, all while complying with environmental and legal requirements. Our services include all varieties of reciprocating and rotating generation machinery, as well as plant controls, subsystems, switchgear, and electric distribution systems. TDX Power also provides operations, legal compliance, maintenance, upgrades, and total engineering for your facilities.
Site Investigation, System Evaluation, and Feasibility Studies.
TDX Power energy experts will evaluate your existing facility and work with you to develop a program to achieve your goals.
Design, Installation, and Commissioning.
Whether starting from ground zero or updating and retrofitting power plant systems, power grids, and controls to an innovative energy system, TDX Power can take you from initial plan to full power.