
Tags: Migratory Fowl Wintering Habitat

Client: U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service | Region 8
Location: Turnbull National Wildlife Refuge | Cheney, Washington

The Turnbull NWR (TNWR) is operated by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS). It is located approximately 21.2 miles Southwest of Spokane, Washington. The refuge has more than 3,000 acres of wetlands that represent some of the last quality breeding habitat available in eastern Washington for migratory waterfowl, which have experienced population declines in North America due to loss and degradation of breeding, migration and wintering habitat. The purpose of the project was to repair and rehabilitate 400 linear feet of earthen dam and box culvert that controls water flow. This project included ancillary infrastructure replacement such as overflow CMPs, fencing, and refuge signage.